Thursday, 28 November 2019

Concern Primary Debating Competition

The Concern Primary debating competition took place today in our school. Our school debating team was up against St. Senan's Primary School Kilrush.  The topic was Homework. Unfortunately today was not our day but our team did our school so proud in their first debating outing. Well done Róisín, Cara and Peter.

Tractors of the Future

2nd Class designed tractors of the future for Science Week.

Mission to Mars

First Class investigated how people might live on the planet Mars in the future. 
Their task was to build somewhere to live on Mars and to build a vehicle to transport them around up there.
Look at our pictures of the engineering in progress and the finished results.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Science Week 2019

Look at all our budding Scientists at work this Science Week 2019. Junior classes built structures and tried some coding with the BEEBOT robot.  4th and 5th tested out how many books could balance on a tube.
5th and 6th class took part in STEM activities for science week.  They had to design, plan, create and test a catapult that would fire a mini-marshmallow the furthest distance.  The managed to get their marchmallows to 4m 70cm!

Wellbeing Week June 22nd - June 26th

See below a link to our Wellbeing Week Padlet which outlines some activities you can try out during Wellbeing Week. Wellbeing Week Padlet