Friday, 25 October 2019

Halloween Safety Visit from the Guards

Garda Niamh  and Kevin visited 5th and 6th class and gave a very interesting and insightful talk about safety at Halloween. Here are some tips from their presentation.

Swimming Update

Swimming has finished for 1st, 5th and 6th classes.  Trials took place for Gala.  Next going swimming are Juniors and Seniors, 4th and 5th for November and December.

Debating Club

Debating Club has been set up in fifth and sixth class.  Watch this space...

Halloween PE

A huge thanks to the Active School Committee who organised lots of Halloween activities for all classes in the hall.  We played Witches Broom races, Witches Hats throwing games, Headstone Hurdles, Eyeball and spoon Race.  It was great fun.

Melanie's Halloween Visit

Melanie came on Wednesday to Inagh National School.   She let us hold fake weapons, pass around a ball and a spider and Jinx her black cat. We played lots of games with apples, spiders and made mummies.  Thank you Melanie.


A huge thank you to the Board of Management and Parents Association for facilitating this well being initiative since September.

Making Seed Bombs

Wellbeing Week June 22nd - June 26th

See below a link to our Wellbeing Week Padlet which outlines some activities you can try out during Wellbeing Week. Wellbeing Week Padlet