Friday, 19 October 2018

Maths Week Outdoor Activities

Fabulous weather this October meant we got outside for Maths week...planning first then off we go!!!!!!

Autumn Gardening

We got a lot of work done on Wednesday with Melanie.  The front of the school was tidied up with our new planter and boxes filled with winter bedding plants.  The new potage beds were filled with compost from our compost heap and topsoil. Alot of digging was done today. We also planted a herb bed...lovely and sensory! We are ready for Spring!

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Our New Student Council

Congratulations to our newly formed student council in StFlannans National School.

Maths Week Visit

We are celebrating Maths Week in our school.  We had a visit today from St Francis Credit Union manager Louis Fay on how he uses Maths in his job everyday. Thank you Louis.
We learned about calendars, interest, adding, subtracting, multiplying etc and linking numbers with letters as codes. Well done everyone!

Wellbeing Week June 22nd - June 26th

See below a link to our Wellbeing Week Padlet which outlines some activities you can try out during Wellbeing Week. Wellbeing Week Padlet